Spoken Language Study: Day One

The Way We Talk

The first GCSE assessment of your school careers happens this term. It is the Spoken Language study, which is 10% of your English Language GCSE. Much more information will follow explaining the specific requirements of this assessment, but at the moment all you need to know is that it deals with the way we speak and communicate with each other in everyday situations.

Today I wrote what would be a typical text message on the board and everyone translated this into modern text language. I’ve attached one version of this translation.

Your task for tonight is to have a go at texting or instant messaging someone using full standard English and observe the response you get.

Spoken Language - Translation_2

Author: Christopher Waugh

“Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.” (Katherine Mansfield)

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