Glossary: Spoken Language Devices

Glossary: Spoken Language Devices

This project provides us with an opportunity to explore our own unique spoken language and the way it communicates volumes about our age, nature, culture, and character. We will be comparing spoken language with the langue of text messaging, bbm and online chat. The variety and creativity of the South London youth dialect is one of the most fast moving and expressive I have ever come across and it represents a brilliant opportunity...

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HOMEWORK: Transcribe your own conversation

HOMEWORK: Transcribe your own conversation

Today we explored the technical terms that define the non-standard English that is a big part of text and instant messaging communication. Attached to this – and to assist with your homework – is today’s annotated example from the board and also a glossary of terms that are useful when analysing text-speak. HOMEWORK: Transcribe one of your own text conversations and annotate it using the terms we explored in class...

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