Shakespeare and the Literary Heritage – Assessment Outline
Shakespeare and the Literary Heritage – Romeo and Juliet
Act 3, Scenes 2 and 3
Scene 2 DAY: TIME: SETTING: CHARACTERS: In this scene, Juliet begins by expressing her impatience to see Romeo after their wedding that afternoon. She expresses this by saying things like “O, I have bought the mansion of a love, But not posess’d it”. Her nurse then appears and tells her of Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s banishment. She cannot believe that the two people she loves the most have needed up in...
Fate, Free Will and Figurative Language
Today we explored via the attached presentation, Shakespeare’s use of metaphor. The activity at the end should be completed for homework.
Homework: Act 1, Scene 4
This evening’s homework is to complete the scene summary in your book for Act 1, Scene 4 and to copy this last speech of Romeo in the scene into your book, with a line between for a translation.
Homework: Modernise Act 1 Scene 1 “The Boys”
This period we look at Romeo and Juliet as a play – examining the features of the text that are typical of what you’d expect from a play text – intended to be viewed rather than read. The attached presentation explores these features, provides a guide to annotation and contains an excerpt of a filmed interpretation to demonstrate how much of a play’s interpretation is left to the actors and director. Your...
Romeo and Juliet: Analysis of the Prologue
Today we’re pulling all the analysis of the meaning and metre of the Prologue together by writing a paragraph explaining what impact Shakespeare’s language choices have on us as audience members, hearing the prologue for the first time. Attached is the worksheet from today that contains some useful support material: useful terms and some sentence starters. Download (PDF,...